The objective of patentability search strategy is to ascertain the chance or likelihood of an invention getting a patent especially on the worldwide criteria of novelty and non-obviousness. The scope of the study includes searching both patent and non-patent literature to identify references that are relevant and related to as prior art to the current invention.
If the patentability search results in identification of documents disclosing inventions similar to the invention searched, the scope of the invention can then be modified for further searches based on the references identified.
The purpose of a patentability search that include all types of prior art is to discover prior art and determine if the subject matter is patentable or not. Keep in mind that It save your unnecessary cost on patent preparation and prosecution.
Creating a Patentability Search Strategy
we will give steps and indicators related to the creation of search strings.
- Understanding the Invention
- Creating the Invention Statement and Generating Keywords
- Identifying Patent Classifications
- Developing the Patentability Search Strategy
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