Patent Invalidity / Invalidation also known as Opposition Study or Patent Validity Study. This is often done by arguing with the patent authorities that the claim(s) of the Patent to be Invalidated (PTBI) at the time of filing was not novel or obvious.
The objective of Patent Invalidation is to invalidate or revoke an already registered/ granted patent claims or for a pre-grant opposition of a published patent application claims.
Patent Invalidation is conceptually similar to Patentability Study, as for the project, effectively a patentability study is being done prior to the date restriction of PTBI’s filing date.
Ordinarily one would assume that invalidations are near impossible projects since granted patents have already been scrutinized by expert patent examiners for novelty and non-obviousness. However, this logic fails the test of time as the advancement of databases and electronic publication of old literature has led to previously unpublished relevant documents being electronically available and searchable now, which can form the basis of invalidation.
Read the case study and Recommended practices while doing Patent Invalidity Search on Patent Database Platform here —