PatSeer has just undergone a makeover! We have revamped our user interface to make it more user-friendly and powerful.
With the new customizable Patent Details View — You can now customize Detailed View the way you want as per your project requirement
SEP Analytics — The quick stats now provide charts for the Standard Essential technologies, Standard Names, Standard Technologies used by various companies (Filings by different companies) and Standard Setting Organizations
Simplified Alerts & Project Management — A simplified interface to manage all your alerts and A new redesigned Project management page allows you to browser through you work folders in a more efficient way.
and other usability enhancements, the database has become more efficient without compromising existing workflows.
The new and upgraded PatSeer version is designed to help organisations meet their day-to-day patent analysis challenges and help drive smarter decisions in the increasingly complex global patent landscape.
To know more, or request a demo visit: