Webinar on How to search effectively using a commercial Patent database? / Como realizar uma busca efetiva em um banco comercial de patentes ?
Thu, Jul 9, 2020 11:00 AM — 12:00 PM Brasilia time
In order to show the importance of patents as a source of technological information and its proper use for directing R&D and competitive intelligence, Prospective in partnership with Gridlogics promotes its first webinar: How to search and analyze effectively using a commercial Patent database?
Cecilia Häsner, D.Sc. Diretora, PROSPECTIVE
Rohit Joshi, Customer Success, Gridlogics
In this webinar you are going to learn about “How to search and analyze effectively using a commercial Patent database?”
The 60 min webinar will cover the following areas:
- Free vs Commercial patent database
- Tips to effectively search using commercial patent database
- Approaches and best practices for using AI in PatSeer
- Live case study — including (Converting your results effectively into informative to convey insights that demand action, Advanced workflows for effective patent information sharing and collaboration, Advanced analytic tools and techniques)
- Questions and Answers
For registration visit — https://patseer.com/2020/06/webinar-on-how-to-search-effectively-using-a-commercial-patent-database/