Webinar on How to search effectively using a commercial Patent database? / Como realizar uma busca efetiva em um banco comercial de patentes ?

1 min readJun 29, 2020


Thu, Jul 9, 2020 11:00 AM — 12:00 PM Brasilia time

In order to show the importance of patents as a source of technological information and its proper use for directing R&D and competitive intelligence, Prospective in partnership with Gridlogics promotes its first webinar: How to search and analyze effectively using a commercial Patent database?


Cecilia Häsner, D.Sc. Diretora, PROSPECTIVE

Rohit Joshi, Customer Success, Gridlogics

In this webinar you are going to learn about “How to search and analyze effectively using a commercial Patent database?”

The 60 min webinar will cover the following areas:

  1. Free vs Commercial patent database
  2. Tips to effectively search using commercial patent database
  3. Approaches and best practices for using AI in PatSeer
  4. Live case study — including (Converting your results effectively into informative to convey insights that demand action, Advanced workflows for effective patent information sharing and collaboration, Advanced analytic tools and techniques)
  5. Questions and Answers

For registration visit — https://patseer.com/2020/06/webinar-on-how-to-search-effectively-using-a-commercial-patent-database/




Written by PatSeer

PatSeer: AI-driven patent tool with integrated analytics, used by 8000+ worldwide.

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